Friday, August 22, 2014

台湾滷肉饭 Lor Bak P'ng (Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice)

AFF Taiwan八月份开跑。很想参与,因为台湾是我最爱的国家,而且“台湾味”在我家老河马和小河马们应该都不会抗拒。不巧碰上比赛,大半个月都在忙。。。哎哟~~~

这一道还是两周前的周末挤出时间做的,做好吃完满足感100分!其实河马爸碎碎念好久要吃滷肉饭,我一直提不起劲弄给他吃,因为一整锅肉啦~ 最近比较不爱吃肉,所以家里很少出现这样的全肉餐。没有特意要吃素,就是突然间没有很想吃肉,所以当这一锅滷肉饭香喷喷的出现的时候,他可乐了~ 哈哈哈哈~

拍照的时候他一直催问说好了没,肚子饿扁了云云~ 害得我紧张到要死,随便拍个几张就收工,放进电脑才发现只有一张照片能用,气死~ 昨天看我在修照片还在旁边碎碎念,什么时候还要做滷肉饭给他吃, 念叨个不停。。。受不了~~~~

没有美照,就玩照片好了~ 哈哈哈~
This was done 2 weeks back, I only have time sit down and organize my back log until now. Sweat. Actually Hippo ah pa has been asking me for this Lor Bak P'ng, I am just no motivation to entertain his request. LOL~

I followed my mom to market the week that I prepared this Lor Bak P'ng, so happen that the stall she always buy her pork has some "不见天" (pork armpit or Tenically, this is the part between the shoulder and belly according to Dr. Leslie Tay of IeatIshootIpost in this post) So I am rather excited see them as we hardly get to buy this part of pork from butcher in local wet market. So with a good 600g Bu Jian Tian on hand and in order not to waste them, I decided I should grant hippo ah pa wish to make him a pot of Lor Bak P'ng, although they are well known good to make Char Siew, oh well, the chances I will make Char Siew will be relevant low, because I don't like Char Siew~ Hahahaha~

I am abit late when the pot of Lor Bak is done, I have missed the best timing for photo shoot, plus the urging from hippo ah pa while the whole photo shoot going on, this is the only nice picture I manage to get! Sobs.

But I am going to make another batch very soon with my long waited Taiwanese soy sauce! It is still floating some where in the middle of the sea! I will also add in anise star and cinnamon stick which I exclude this time.

食谱参考/Recipe Reference: Travellingfoodies (with changes)

谨借此文参与由Travelling-foodies主办的Asian Food Fest #10 八月份主题:台湾
I am submitting this post to 
Asian Food Fest #10 Aug 2014 : Taiwan hosted by travelling-foodies.
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

超高英式柠檬蛋糕。赛后记录 Tall Lemon Curd Cake & Competition updates



今天分享的是为参加比赛(第三个级别)而制作的蛋糕。一直想要试做这样的直立式卷法的蛋糕,藉由比赛,赶走身上的懒虫,顺利让蛋糕“生”出来。蛋糕做得很匆忙,事情碰巧都落在那一周,一堆忙不完的事,幸好来得及赶在期限前一天把蛋糕赶出来~ 蛋糕弄完凌晨3点。。。ZzzzZZZzzz 累死~

蛋糕体沿用我最爱的蛋糕卷食谱,把菜油换成溶化奶油~ 原因之一当然是因为比赛主办者是奶油公司~ 另外是想说奶油在冷藏后会让蛋糕体变硬,有助于让蛋糕直立。呵呵~ 是有帮助啦,不过“切”和“卷”也会影响蛋糕的直度。我的底部那一片蛋糕不是很平,蛋糕又卷得太高,可能也切得不平(原本就是想要一个高高的蛋糕),最后的成品有点倾斜,我都跟朋友说那是比萨斜塔柠檬蛋糕,哈哈哈哈哈~

顺便也在这一篇记录一下整个比赛的照片。哈哈哈哈~ 万一老了痴呆了还有迹可循,呵呵~

Me and The finalist
Me & Yen Ni

Me & my supporters!

Me & Cathy, owner of, another talented baker!
Me & one of the judge Ms. Magdalene, pretty hor?

Me & one of the judge Ms. Maureen aka Ms. Tam Jiak
Finally I have time to sit down and update the blog!

August is a very long month for me, especially last week. I was so busy in the kitchen mainly to practice on the swissroll and try to work something for the "SCS Star Bake-Off" final Bake-off. Yes, I got into final with the help from my cousins, family member and friends! Thanks to everyone! You guys are awesome!

Before the event, I received email and were told there are 2 themes on the bake-off, but only ONE theme was revealed: Rollcake, and we have only ONE hour to finish both bakes. ONE hour!!!!???? 2 bakes???? Plus one bake unknown??? While I am not sure what is the other theme, I can only try to roll as much cake as possible to make sure that I would flop it on the day itself. I finished almost 50 eggs in 4 days. Of course we won't be able to down all the cakes, can you imagine cakes volume made from 50 eggs???? How scary it was! I told hippo ah pa, after the competition, I am sure you won't see rollcakes for at least 6months! Hahahahaha!

I didn't won the grand prize of course! Anyway, that is not what I am after from the beginning, so I don't really feel sad for not winning. =) But I feel upset with some of the fact I found out later after the competition is over. But well, let's bygone be bygone, I sure do not want to put it here and remind myself about the unhapiness each time I re-read my own blog. =)

Oh, I am happy to share that I have actually won myself SGD1,000 worth voucher to attend classes at Palate sensations! I am attending my first class on 13 Sep to learn how to make an Opera cake! How nice! I am so looking forward to it!

Here are my bakes along the bake-off event, from 1 star to 5 stars, and of course som picture at the event.

1 Star "no theme": Yogurt Butter Cake

2 Stars "Cookies":  Korova Cookies
Recipe see here / 食谱看这里

3 Stars "Cake": Tall Lemon Curd Cake

4 Stars "Pie": Otak-Otak Quiche

 Recipe see here / 食谱看这里

5 Stars "Rollcake + cookies": Garden theme

20/10/2014Update: The footage of the contest was air in Channel 8 in September 2014. Click on the video if you missed it! =P

超高英式柠檬蛋糕食谱/Tall Lemon Curd Recipe:
You will need 3 cake sheets for this Tall lemon cake, please triple the recipe or bake the recipe 3 times!

** 更新/Updates:加入鲜奶油的部分,之前忘了加进食谱卡里。Add in Whipping cream into recipe card as I forgot to put in in my previous card.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up (Aug 2014 Event: Flour) organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe