很有心机的妈妈,很久之前就“设局”让河马仔选定雪宝做蛋糕主题,不过妈妈糊涂性格改不了,忽略了照片里蛋糕底色是蓝色,而且是一大片!(我是碰巧看到脸书里有人做了这款分享图片,所以就让河马仔看样本)不过真的是“天公疼憨人”,前两周跑去好友家一起玩烘焙,聊起色素问题,她后来建议试试用蓝花做染料。呵呵!师傅果然是师傅,一语惊醒梦中人!谢谢你啦,Yen Ni!
蛋糕体我使用了Masa老师的食谱,做了一点点更改,蛋糕成品摸起来是湿润软的,弹性也很够 (注:脱模和切片时摸的手感),不过吃进口里感觉有一点点粗粗的,唉~ 我对海绵蛋糕还是掌握不好。不过孩子们还是很给脸将整粒蛋糕吃到完,哈哈哈哈哈~ 我是有一点吓到,真的~ 蛋糕切开来才发现,河妈好吝啬哦,夹层的奶油完全看不到!哈哈哈哈哈~ 最近走健康路线有一点走火入魔,奶油涂太薄了。
蛋糕另外还有一个很棒的地方是。。。看到蛋糕上的雪花片吗?那些不是翻糖哦。。。猜一猜?呵呵呵~ 是燕菜!我将一部分的牛奶燕菜倒在盘子里做成薄片,然后再用雪花模将雪花片印出来~ 这里要特别感谢Fong's Kitchen的Fong拔刀相助,照片里的雪花全多亏了她借给河妈的印模。另外也要谢谢网友Yen Li的模子,虽然最后因为河妈粗心,把本来应该是方形的蛋糕烤成圆的蛋糕,所以跟Yen Li借来的印模就派不上用场,不过还是很感恩。因为有你们,我把买模子的费用省下来了。感恩有你们!
There are 2 things I am very proud of my this Olaf cake. It is 100% edible & 99.9% natural color! Why 99.9%? Because I couldn't get my Olaf's orangy nose done with carrot juice! So out of no choice, I resourced to food coloring for it's nose. Thanks to my baking kaki, Ms. Yen Ni for the brilliant idea for using bunga Telang (Clitoria Ternatea) to dye my cream!
I used dried flower this time as I couldn't get fresh one. Bunga Telang is a type of flower that can be used for food dye with it's natural blue color. I boiled them in my agar-agar and when my agar-agar reach to the blue tone I want, I scoop out the flower and soaked them in whipping cream then fridge overnight. I strain and add them to my whipped cream when need. I also boiled some more dried flower with about 30ml water on low heat for like 10mins to have very dark blue liquid, then leave to cool before I store them in my fridge. About 1/2 tsp was added into my blue cream to get the color you saw in my cake in the picture.
Did you saw those snow flakes on the cake? Guess what are those flakes made from? No, no fondant, to me fondant is not edible... Although they are! No, not icing too, they sure don't look like icing, are they? LOL~ It's made of agar-agar! Say I clever, please~~~ hahahaha!
I pour some of the white agar-agar made of milk into plate and make it into thin sheet, then cut them out with the snow flakes mold before I set of to school for celebration. I borrowed the mold from Fong, owner of Fong's Kitchen Journal. Special thanks to her and another facebook friend, Ms. Yen Li, without your kindness, I couldn't make my cake so pretty. I am so blessed to have you around me and come to my rescue so in time! Thank you!!!!
OK, now, let's enjoy the cake. Hehe~
食谱参考/Recipe reference: Masa老师
(少许更动/with some modification)
蛋糕体我使用了Masa老师的食谱,做了一点点更改,蛋糕成品摸起来是湿润软的,弹性也很够 (注:脱模和切片时摸的手感),不过吃进口里感觉有一点点粗粗的,唉~ 我对海绵蛋糕还是掌握不好。不过孩子们还是很给脸将整粒蛋糕吃到完,哈哈哈哈哈~ 我是有一点吓到,真的~ 蛋糕切开来才发现,河妈好吝啬哦,夹层的奶油完全看不到!哈哈哈哈哈~ 最近走健康路线有一点走火入魔,奶油涂太薄了。
蛋糕另外还有一个很棒的地方是。。。看到蛋糕上的雪花片吗?那些不是翻糖哦。。。猜一猜?呵呵呵~ 是燕菜!我将一部分的牛奶燕菜倒在盘子里做成薄片,然后再用雪花模将雪花片印出来~ 这里要特别感谢Fong's Kitchen的Fong拔刀相助,照片里的雪花全多亏了她借给河妈的印模。另外也要谢谢网友Yen Li的模子,虽然最后因为河妈粗心,把本来应该是方形的蛋糕烤成圆的蛋糕,所以跟Yen Li借来的印模就派不上用场,不过还是很感恩。因为有你们,我把买模子的费用省下来了。感恩有你们!
There are 2 things I am very proud of my this Olaf cake. It is 100% edible & 99.9% natural color! Why 99.9%? Because I couldn't get my Olaf's orangy nose done with carrot juice! So out of no choice, I resourced to food coloring for it's nose. Thanks to my baking kaki, Ms. Yen Ni for the brilliant idea for using bunga Telang (Clitoria Ternatea) to dye my cream!
I used dried flower this time as I couldn't get fresh one. Bunga Telang is a type of flower that can be used for food dye with it's natural blue color. I boiled them in my agar-agar and when my agar-agar reach to the blue tone I want, I scoop out the flower and soaked them in whipping cream then fridge overnight. I strain and add them to my whipped cream when need. I also boiled some more dried flower with about 30ml water on low heat for like 10mins to have very dark blue liquid, then leave to cool before I store them in my fridge. About 1/2 tsp was added into my blue cream to get the color you saw in my cake in the picture.
Did you saw those snow flakes on the cake? Guess what are those flakes made from? No, no fondant, to me fondant is not edible... Although they are! No, not icing too, they sure don't look like icing, are they? LOL~ It's made of agar-agar! Say I clever, please~~~ hahahaha!
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Does the cake look dry to you? |
OK, now, let's enjoy the cake. Hehe~
食谱参考/Recipe reference: Masa老师
(少许更动/with some modification)
Delete河马妈,蛋糕好漂亮!祝小河马生日快乐,身体健康。那个 orange 色用南瓜汁或红萝卜汁应该可以调出来。
ReplyDelete谢谢Jong Jong喜欢~ 高兴~