Hippomama's Kitchen is 2 year old today!!Hip hip hooray!!!! Big CLAPS for myself!
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《食尚品味》10/11月刊 |
《食尚品味》双月刊杂志了!真的很爽啦!呵呵~ 真的很感恩
This blogiversary is very special, one of my creation has been featured in the latest ! I've created one new recipe "Yogurt Tart with Berries" in line with the yogurt theme this month. I am so thankful to Gourmet Living for giving me another chance for the feature! This is really a great blogivesary present for me!
河妈为《食尚品味》创作的优格莓子塔,谢谢摄影师把我的作品拍得美美的~ |
(读::tao heng heng, buay cheng cheng,方言:比喻做事三分钟热度),加上贪玩的个性,很多事情都是开始好好玩,玩腻了就不碰了。什么东西都会一些,可就没有一样专长。加上现在工作和家庭几乎已经占据河妈生活八成的时间,要把剩下的两成时间分配给家人、周末亲子活动、朋友、烘焙、摄影、写部落格和读食谱、写食谱等等等等,最近还新加了园艺这门活动,有没有感觉河妈像变种的“八爪鱼河马”,稀有品种耶!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈!
Looking back my blogging journey, I can hardly believe that I am able to keep this blog going for the past 2 years. It's not a long journey, given to I am not an active bloggger. But this is really a milestone to me. I am a very playful person that I hardly can on going mantain my interest on an activity for more than a certain period, says... 3 months? So this blog is still "alive" until now is really a miracle! LOL~
好啦,罗哩八索一堆,週年庆,当然要给它庆祝一下! 去年河妈“忘了”週年庆,等到想起来已经是十一月的事了,过了就算了,没那么矫情非庆祝不可,哈哈哈哈!
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一号奖品:中岛老师食谱书一本+可爱面糊刮刀一支 |
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二号奖品:可爱面糊刮刀一支+福/囍印章各一枚 |
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三号奖品:中岛老师食谱书一本+福/囍印章各一枚 |
(16/10/14, 2:20pm加:送礼活动开放给新马地区的读者)
To celebrate Hippomama's Kitchen 2nd blogiversary, I am giving away 3 sets of goodie. Simply leave
your name,
email address,
blog address (if any) and not to forget tell me
which set of goodie you would like to receive! At the same time, I am also giving away 5 copies of
magazine to 5 readers! (16/10/14 at 2:20pm added: This giveaways is open to readers and friends in Singapore & Malaysia.)
This giveaway will end on 23 Oct 2014,
12p.m. Singapore time. The result will be announce on 24 Oct 2014. I will be contacting the winner through email.
Good luck everyone!
This Giveaways is already end.