AFF Taiwan八月份开跑。很想参与,因为台湾是我最爱的国家,而且“台湾味”在我家老河马和小河马们应该都不会抗拒。不巧碰上比赛,大半个月都在忙。。。哎哟~~~
这一道还是两周前的周末挤出时间做的,做好吃完满足感100分!其实河马爸碎碎念好久要吃滷肉饭,我一直提不起劲弄给他吃,因为一整锅肉啦~ 最近比较不爱吃肉,所以家里很少出现这样的全肉餐。没有特意要吃素,就是突然间没有很想吃肉,所以当这一锅滷肉饭香喷喷的出现的时候,他可乐了~ 哈哈哈哈~
拍照的时候他一直催问说好了没,肚子饿扁了云云~ 害得我紧张到要死,随便拍个几张就收工,放进电脑才发现只有一张照片能用,气死~ 昨天看我在修照片还在旁边碎碎念,什么时候还要做滷肉饭给他吃, 念叨个不停。。。受不了~~~~
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没有美照,就玩照片好了~ 哈哈哈~ |
I followed my mom to market the week that I prepared this Lor Bak P'ng, so happen that the stall she always buy her pork has some "不见天" (pork armpit or Tenically, this is the part between the shoulder and belly according to Dr. Leslie Tay of IeatIshootIpost in this post) So I am rather excited see them as we hardly get to buy this part of pork from butcher in local wet market. So with a good 600g Bu Jian Tian on hand and in order not to waste them, I decided I should grant hippo ah pa wish to make him a pot of Lor Bak P'ng, although they are well known good to make Char Siew, oh well, the chances I will make Char Siew will be relevant low, because I don't like Char Siew~ Hahahaha~
I am abit late when the pot of Lor Bak is done, I have missed the best timing for photo shoot, plus the urging from hippo ah pa while the whole photo shoot going on, this is the only nice picture I manage to get! Sobs.
But I am going to make another batch very soon with my long waited Taiwanese soy sauce! It is still floating some where in the middle of the sea! I will also add in anise star and cinnamon stick which I exclude this time.
食谱参考/Recipe Reference: Travellingfoodies (with changes)
谨借此文参与由Travelling-foodies主办的Asian Food Fest #10 八月份主题:台湾
I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #10 Aug 2014 : Taiwan hosted by travelling-foodies.
I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #10 Aug 2014 : Taiwan hosted by travelling-foodies.
may i have a big big bowl? love this...angel mama
ReplyDeleteSure Jong! 多吃多吃~ ^^